Steel shot and grit are mainly used in surface preparation for cleaning metal surfaces that are covered with mill scale, dirt, rust, and for physical modification of the metal surface like creating roughness for better application of paint and coating. These are harder than steel shots and are also available in different sizes & hardness.


Our export quality Steel grit is manufactured in conformity with standards IS-4606/1983, SAE-j827, BSS & DIN. Various standard sizes of export quality steel grit are available as ready stock at our offices. This type of blast media is best used for surface preparation of ferrous and nonferrous components that are made from forging, die forging, stamping, rolling and heat treatment, etc. These grains are obtained by crushing steel shots. They exhibit sharp edges and broken and best sections for cleaning applications for removal of loose material stuck to the surface of the component(s), rust removal and paint coatings from metal surfaces. Steel Grit characterizes under grains with a predominantly angular shape, best for roughening and deburring the components surface. Steel great can be used for cutting hard stones and also in large multi-blades frames which are used to cut the blocks of Granite stone into thin slices. Our abrasive has proven to be very cost effective and can be used a multiple time.  Our export quality steel grit can be used in both standard and customized Airless Shot Blasting Machines as well as Pneumatic Abrasive Blasting Machines. We have supplied to the Cook wear industry, prefab industry, aviation industry, railway industry, Steel industry, marine industry& Stone and marble industry. Please view below tables for more clarity on the chemical composition, size variation and physical properties of the same. Steel grit is manufactured in conformity with standards IS-4606/1983, SAE-j827, BSS & DIN. Steel Grit characterises under grains with a predominantly angular shape.These grains are obtained by crushing steel shots. They exhibit sharp edges and broken sections.These are harder than steel shots and are also available in different sizes & hardness.